Argonaut Argo, Argonautidae


by Marguerita Hagan

ceramic, sterling silver, 5.75”h x 5.25”w x 2.5”d

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Created for invitational International Cephalopod Exhibit: I Love You More & Science Conference in Crete, Greece. This conference brought together cephalopod organizations for the first time in response to critical climate change effecting the welfare of octopus, cuttlefish and squid.

This rarely seen octupus lives in the open ocean or pelagic zone. They contain chromatophores, enabling them to change color from reflective silver to dark maroon. The Argonaut larvae are color-equipped and change color at birth. Only the female has an exquisite one-chambered shell which she makes by secreting calcium calcite from two of her technically savvy arms that look like sails. Protecting her and her eggs, the shell also acts as a buoyancy device. She can regulate the air to float at the surface or sink below in the pelagic zone habitat. They can connect to form chains of 20-30 floating on their sides in the open ocean. The rise in human induced CO2 however, dissolves the security of her shell endangering the already rare little cephalopod.

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