Crescent Moon Being


by Marguerita Hagan, part of the Petit Rongorongos Series

From Easter Island- Rapanui: Incised for Chanting Out 

 hand-built, pit fired ceramic, 3.75" x 2.25" x 1.5"

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The ancient Easter Island glyphs carved on tablets share a mystical language. As rare as the few remaining dozen incised wood planks, Rongorongo is one of a few independent languages in human history and is yet to be deciphered. The unique system of characters are incised in shallow horizontal channels. The text is read from the bottom row, left to right. Each line is reversed so one must turn the tablet 180º to chant to the next line. Although the literal translation is unknown, the spirited nature of the “chants” infuse the sculptures. Inheriting the ancestral Rongorongo mobility, many of the sculptures invert freely into various poses as they step from 2 to 3 dimension. The mysterious carved organic tablets liken time capsules capturing a once diverse and abundant exchange between man and nature on this remote Pacific island. The thriving Rapanui culture and its lush landscape fell to deforestation and devastation leaving a profound message and crucial restoration at work today. The Petit Rongorongos are in red stoneware and pit-fired. The color of the pit-fired ceramic Rongorongos is 100% painted by the fumes and flame of their primitive outdoor firing, unpredictable and unique.

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Vampire Squid from Hell, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis
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Manta Ray Shield