

.Mp4 file (4096 x 1080) 00:011:30, created using programming, generative visuals, live EEG data, 3D scanned object and video.

Digital art file is delivered as a physical USB memory stick with a printed certificate and still image, signed and dated by the artist.

Limited edition of 5

Send all inquiries to hello@chimaeragallery.com.

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Elemental connects the micro to the macro, and is a reflection on the self-repeating construction in nature. In this work, the artist created a 3D scanned model of her head, which she then converted to a digital volumetric point cloud. This point cloud rendering was then fashioned to create a “spinal column", where multiple iterations of the scanned head were aligned to make up the transverse processes of the spine. This “spinal column” is seen in large scale within the video piece, but also is present at the micro level, where the swirling particle fields are in fact 30k of these spines. Additional components of the video include artistic renderings of bone marrow and stem cells, as well as the artist dancing as a point cloud rendering. The extreme editing of the video is orchestrated by the artist’s beta waves, which vacillated rapidly between images in real time, while the artist was engaged with the work in a perceptual feedback loop.

Spiral Collapse
The Survivor