Frustule Flower


by Marguerita Hagan

hand-built ceramic, 4.25” x 7.25” x 6.75”

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Part of Hagan’s Micro Grow Series that incorporating architecture of micro-marine organisms with Frustule Flower.

A frustule is the cell wall of a diatom composed of silica, inspiring this work. Diatoms have earned the title Lungs of the Planet providing over 25% of Earth’s oxygen.

Being a ceramicist offers an intimate connection - for the brick of the kiln is made from the remains of million year old diatoms from the ocean floor called diatomaceous earth. The silica structure of the diatom is the material of ceramic glazes and particulates of clay body. This single-cell marine organism not only generously provides oxygen for our planet, it makes this ceramicist’s artistic breath and process possible.

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