Shop Untitled (Mobile) Untitled (Mobile) $1,000.00 by Krista Dedrick-Laiprescription bottles, paper labels, acrylic paint, yarn, metal and wooden hoops, motor2024approx. 24” x 36” Add To Cart Untitled (Mobile) $1,000.00 by Krista Dedrick-Laiprescription bottles, paper labels, acrylic paint, yarn, metal and wooden hoops, motor2024approx. 24” x 36” Add To Cart You Might Also Like The Same River Twice #2 $1,300.00 Charger plate - 12.5" diameter $83.00 Stag Beetle $1,000.00 Moon Gate $850.00 There Will Come Soft Rains $3,000.00
Shop Untitled (Mobile) Untitled (Mobile) $1,000.00 by Krista Dedrick-Laiprescription bottles, paper labels, acrylic paint, yarn, metal and wooden hoops, motor2024approx. 24” x 36” Add To Cart Untitled (Mobile) $1,000.00 by Krista Dedrick-Laiprescription bottles, paper labels, acrylic paint, yarn, metal and wooden hoops, motor2024approx. 24” x 36” Add To Cart You Might Also Like The Same River Twice #2 $1,300.00 Charger plate - 12.5" diameter $83.00 Stag Beetle $1,000.00 Moon Gate $850.00 There Will Come Soft Rains $3,000.00